Saturday, March 17, 2012

P90x Day 3 + recovery shake talk

P90x Day 3 of 90

I did not have a chance to post after my workout yesterday because I did it later in the day and got caught up afterwards. I was dreading the workout because my arms were still so sore from Day 1 that I could not complete one push-up or pull-up straight up as opposed to my 10-20 on Day 1.

Imagine my surprise when I wet to jot down my numbers and realized there was no space for a Day 3/March 16 Chest & Arms workout! I thought I was supposed to already repeat Day 1 but actually Day 3 was Shoulders & Arms! I was so relieved!!

Day 3 review

I had pectoral muscle pain and soreness on my calves so I was happy throughout the Shoulders & Arms workout because it felt like an off day. Unfortunately I used a weight that was far too light (only a 5 pounder for most exercises and 10 pound dumbbells for a few of them) because I do not want to build muscle so I figured I should do lighter weight with more reps. But I did not struggle at all or break a sweat; so, I'm afraid that my underachievement here may have stolen a good day of working out for me. :(

Food intake

Like I mentioned before, I am not following the P90x diet. Post-workout shakes on the first two days were the Pro Complex vanilla shakes (only 1 scoop) but for Day 3 I just had a bottle of Slim Fast. I bought a few packs of the low-carb ones that have 20 grams of protein. They are delicious! -My milkshake substitute since I am not having sweet desserts for lent.

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